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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - weather


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(weathers, weathering, weathered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The weather is the condition of the atmosphere in one area at a particular time, for example if it is raining, hot, or windy. The weather was bad... I like cold weather... Fishing is possible in virtually any weather. ...the weather conditions. N-UNCOUNT 2. If something such as wood or rock weathers or is weathered, it changes colour or shape as a result of the wind, sun, rain, or cold. Unpainted wooden furniture weathers to a grey colour... This rock has been weathered and eroded. VERB: V, be V-ed, also V n • weathered The facade of the building was a little weathered... The man had a worn, weathered face. = weather-beaten ADJ 3. If you weather a difficult time or a difficult situation, you survive it and are able to continue normally after it has passed or ended. The government has weathered its worst political crisis. to weather the storm: see storm VERB: V n 4. If you say that someone is making heavy weather of a task, you are critical of them because they are doing it in an inefficient way and are making it seem more difficult than it really is. (BRIT) Some of the riders in this section made heavy weather of the cross-country race. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If you say that you are under the weather, you mean that you feel slightly ill. I was still feeling a bit under the weather. = unwell PHRASE: v-link PHR
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English weder, from Old English; akin to Old High German wetar ~, Old Church Slavic vetru wind  Date: before 12th century  1. the state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness  2. state or vicissitude of life or fortune  3. disagreeable atmospheric conditions: as  a. rain, storm  b. cold air with dampness  4. ~ing  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to expose to the open air ; subject to the action of the elements  2. to bear up against and come safely through ~ a storm ~ a crisis  intransitive verb to undergo or endure the action of the elements  III. adjective  Date: 1582 of or relating to the side facing the wind — compare lee ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, and rain etc. 2 (attrib.) Naut. windward (on the weather side). --v. 1 tr. expose to or affect by atmospheric changes, esp. deliberately to dry, season, etc. (weathered timber). 2 a tr. (usu. in passive) discolour or partly disintegrate (rock or stones) by exposure to air. b intr. be discoloured or worn in this way. 3 tr. make (boards or tiles) overlap downwards to keep out rain etc. 4 tr. a come safely through (a storm). b survive (a difficult period etc.). 5 tr. (of a ship or its crew) get to the windward of (a cape etc.). Phrases and idioms keep a (or one's) weather eye open be watchful. make good (or bad) weather of it Naut. (of a ship) behave well (or badly) in a storm. make heavy weather of colloq. exaggerate the difficulty or burden presented by (a problem, course of action, etc.). under the weather colloq. indisposed or out of sorts. weather-beaten affected by exposure to the weather. weather-bound unable to proceed owing to bad weather. weather-chart (or -map) a diagram showing the state of the weather over a large area. weather forecast an analysis of the state of the weather with an assessment of likely developments over a certain time. weather-glass a barometer. weather side the side from which the wind is blowing (opp. lee side). weather station an observation post for recording meteorological data. weather-strip a piece of material used to make a door or window proof against rain or wind. weather-tiles tiles arranged to overlap like weatherboards. weather-vane see VANE. weather-worn damaged by storms etc. Etymology: OE weder f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) погода 2) мор. шторм; непогода 3) наветренная сторона 4) подвергать(ся) атмосферным влияниям 5) выветривать(ся) 6) открытая часть кровельной плитки 7) строит. придавать уклон поверхности (для слива воды) - adverse weather - aerodrome adverse weather - below minima weather - broken weather - current weather - dangerous weather - disturbed weather - fair weather - flight weather - forecast weather - hazardous weather - past weather - present weather - significant weather - violent weather ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  погода наветренная сторона открытая часть кровельного материала inclement weather workable weather ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) выветривать 2) выветрить 3) метео метеорологический 4) погода aeronautical weather station — метео авиаметеостанция at or above weather minimums — минимум weather forecast for aviation — метео прогноз авиационный - forecast weather - request weather - weather balloon - weather briefer - weather bureau - weather clay - weather conditions - weather constituent - weather forecast - weather forecaster - weather reconnaissance - weather request - weather satellite - weather ship - weather stripping ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. выдерживать, переносить (банкротство, кризис) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) погода; погодный, метеорологический 2) подвергаться атмосферным воздействиям – growing weather ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. погода fine weather —- хорошая погода broken weather —- неустойчивая (переменная) погода rough weather —- непогода, буря, ненастье flying weather —- ав. летная погода thawing weather —- оттепель greasy weather —- мор. туманная погода, туман in all weather(s) —- в любую погоду 2. дождь, гроза, буря, шторм, непогода to make good weather of it —- мор. хорошо выдерживать шторм (о судне) under stress of weather —- вследствие неблагоприятной погоды, из-за штормов protection against the weather —- защита от непогоды, холода и т. п. 3. мор. наветренная сторона to have the weather (of) —- идти с наветренной стороны to drive with the weather —- дрейфовать по волнам и ветру 4. с-х. наклон плоскости крыла ветряка Id: April weather —- неустойчивая погода; то солнце, то дождь; изменчивое настроение; смех и слезы Id: King's (Queen's) weather —- отличная погода; солнечный день Id: in the weather —- под открытым небом Id: under the weather —- нездоровый, больной; в подавленном настроении; переживающий неприятности; без денег; ам. пьяный, подвыпивший Id: to make heavy weather of smth. —- разг. чрезмерно напрягаться, прилагать излищние усилия; раздувать трудности, осложнять дело Id: to make heavy weather of the simplest tasks —- превращать простейшие задачи в сложные проблемы Id: to have the weather of smb. —- иметь преимущество перед кем-л. 5....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  through выдерживать (испытание и т.п.) WEATHER  1. noun  1) погода; good weather - хорошая погода; bad weather - непогода - weather permitting  2) непогода, шторм; - make good weather - make bad weather  3) attr. относящийся к погоде - weather conditions - weather report - in the weather - make heavy weather - under the weather - have the weather  2. adj. naut. наветренный to keep ones weather eye open - смотреть в оба; держать ухо востро  3. v.  1) выветривать(ся), подвергать(ся) атмосферным влияниям  2) выдерживать (бурю, натиск, испытание и т.п.)  3) naut. обходить с наветренной стороны - weather on - weather out - weather through Syn: see persist WEATHER abort отмена (испытаний, полёта и т.п.) из-за погоды WEATHER conditions метеорологические условия WEATHER forecaster noun человек, занимающийся прогнозом погоды WEATHER on naut. идти с наветренной стороны WEATHER out выдерживать (испытание и т.п.) WEATHER permitting при условии благоприятной погоды WEATHER report метеосводка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 the temperature and other conditions such as sun, rain, and wind  (the weather)  (What was the weather like on your vacation? | hot/wet/cold etc weather)  (a spell of very dry weather | weather forecast (=a report saying what the weather is expected to be like in the near future) | weather permitting (=if the weather is good enough))  (I'm playing golf this afternoon - weather permitting. | weather pattern (=the way the weather usually is or changes over a long period of time) | weather map/chart)  (The weather map shows a ridge of high pres- sure coming in from the Atlantic. | weather report (=description of weather conditions on radio or television)) 2 the weather informal the description of what the weather will be like in the near future, on radio, television, in newspapers etc  (I always watch the weather after the news.) 3 in all weathers in all types of weather, even when it is very hot or cold  (There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers.) 4 under the weather informal slightly ill  (You look a bit under the weather.) 5 keep a weather eye on to watch a situation carefully so that you notice anything unusual or unpleasant  (- see also make heavy weather of sth heavy1 (12)) ~2 v 1 if rock, wood etc weathers, or if wind, sun, rain etc weathers them, they change colour or shape over a period of time  (a badly weathered statue) 2 to come through a very difficult situation safely  (weather the storm)  (Many small firms did not weather the storm of the recession.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. weder, from P.Gmc. *wedran, from PIE *we- "blow." Spelling with -th- first appeared 15c., though pronunciation may be much older. Verb sense of "come through safely" is from 1655; that of "wear away by exposure" is from 1757. Weather-beaten is from 1530. Under the weather "indisposed" is from 1882. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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